Thursday, February 23, 2012

Bullying Celebrities? Suicide Petitions?

I ask you to please read everything I put in this post. And not to jump and judge instantly. I also ask for you feedback on what you think of this situation.
Please click the above link and read that article. It talks about how a young singer(P.O.) from a Korean pop group(Block B) has been hospitalized due to the stress and worries he has from people saying hateful things to him after he and his fellow groups members made a mistake. I don't know if you know this, but Thailand had horrible flooding recently and it has been a huge tragedy. During and interview in Thailand the Block B boys acted childish and rudely. They made a few hurtful statements about the flooding. Things such as only having 7000 won (6-7 US dollars) to donate to the flood victims. And then laughing and joking around about it. The boys of Block B have a very carefree image and they always roll with it. But at that moment was not the time to be goofing off.

Since then the boys have been flung into a whirlwind of hate and bad accusations. The media blew the problem up. The didn't use trustworthy sources and statements about this issue. Anti's(people who are only for hating a certain group or person) have spread many false things about this issue. They cut the interview down into pieces to make it seem as the whole interview was rude and horrible. They also translated many things in the wrong way so that many people would take it wrong.

At first I thought bad of the boys, even as a fan, and thought it was very wrong of them. I still feel it was wrong, but since then they have made several official and sincere apologies. And for that I forgive them. I know that the Thai people may feel differently but not as horribly as some anti's. Below i will post the links to the Block B boys' apologies.
That link is to their video apology with translations. Block B's leader Zico shaved his head to show his remorse towards this situation.
That link is to the boys' written apologies. Each member wrote one. And each is translated.

After you have read what I have written and read these articles and watched the video, I want you to read this article again. (the first one)

The fact that there are horrible people that would petition for certian person's suicide just because of a mistake with their words makes me want to cry. These boys didn't murder or rape anyone. They simple acted childish, and didn't think before they spoke. Their situation has been taken out of context and now it is out of hand. To think that their budding career is in danger because of this is saddening. They are talented young boys who need to reflect and keep working hard.

Below is the comment I made on one of the articles. It goes into more detail with my opinions on the matter. And my wishes of people coming together to forgive and move on.

"They are obviously sincerely sorry. I wish everyone would leave them be so they can reflect on their actions. These boys are truely talented and need to be able to share their talent. Yes they said things they shouldn't have and made mistakes. But everyone does that. I'm sure every single person doing and saying horrible things about these boys have done or said wrongful things. So if we all can just move past this together everything will be okay. Just because they are idols doesn't mean they are perfect. People need to still recognize that. They are expecting to much of these idols sometimes. Yes what happended to the Thai people was a tragedy and people are still suffering. But please find it in your heart to be able to forgive people who have made mistakes like these boys. Even if you are not a fan you can still forgive them. If you can't see that they are truely sorry than I feel bad for you. To take this issue as far as suicide petitios? I can't believe I actually read something so horrible.. It makes me want to cry when I think that there are such ignorant and simply mean people in this world. And I feel sorry for these boys and I wish them the best. I also feel sorry for these people who seem to just live to hate. That is not living. That is drowning yourself."

Please give me your feedback on this current situation. There is also a video of their video, but it is near impossible to find the true original one. But if you just google it or search it on youtube I am sure you will find a version of it. The reason I am not posting the video in this post is because I don't want to post a version of it that is edited. Thank you for reading. And I hope that I will continue to post here. Thanks again for reading. (sorry for any spelling mistakes. I will edit later)

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